Well, I have returned from across the country. The October Wedding was FABULOUS. I'm so glad I had the chance to go. I'll upload some pictures of it later, once I have a chance to upload them to my computer first.
But let me just say it was a gorgeous wedding. The groom (let's call him Eli) just looked so happy to be marrying his bride (let's call her Leah). They were both crying as Leah walked down the aisle; it was so sweet! I had a chance to meet the bride beforehand, while my cousin Juliet and I helped with some decorations for the reception. Leah was just so nice - one of those people who is always smiling, always considerate, always friendly. And I met some of her bridemaids - and they were so nice, too! Especially one bridesmaid, Jenah. It was so funny, because during the rehearsal dinner, we were talking, and the subject of relationships came up, and she just straight-out asked me, "So, are you seeing anyone?" It was just so funny because she just asked straight upfront, and I just laughed and told her, regretfully, no. But I have to admit being single DOES have its advantages sometimes. (Like scoping out the guys at the wedding haha.)
But anyways. I'm supposed be describing Eli and Leah's wedding. It was simply beautiful. The theme they played around with was the fall, and on their favours, they had a little sticker that said "
Fall in Love, Leah and Eli October 2009" - too cute!
Oh, and her dress! Gorgeous! It had beading on it, and while it wasn't a big princess dress, it did have some body to the skirt. It was simple, classic, and elegant. She wore no veil and carried a bouquet of orange, yellow and red flowers. (PS. Right now, I am loving the white hydrangea for bouquets! But I'll talk about that another time...)
One interesting thing at the wedding was that the bridesmaids all wore different style dresses made up of the same material. I like that concept in theory, and while each bridesmaid looked beautiful, it was... interesting because all the bridesmaids - Allie, Jenah, Catherine and the other one I never really met - all had different
lengths of dresses. They had red dresses which were all beautiful, but it was interesting that the lengths were all different.... I don't know.
But anyhoo. I will continue this later. Right now I'm super tired and I have a midterm to write tomorrow, and so I should finally head to bed. But I thought I'd quickly update my devoted fanbase of millions to the wonderful story of Eli and Leah's wedding.
But for now, adieu.
<3 Maid Marian