Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A Great Day With Sydnee
After eating all the delicious food (it hardly all fit on the table and we had to keep shuffling boxes around!) Sydnee and I set to work on those invitations. There are so many ideas out there, we hardly knew where to start! But, finally we got some inspiration. Syd had bought some beautiful blue and brown metallic-y paper from the dollar store, so we played around with that. Unfortunately, though, the ink that Sydnee had bought that she THOUGHT was silver and gold, ended up being purple and bronze!! Whoops. So we didn't have any stamps to put on it. But we will. It actually DID look like silver and gold ink, and nowhere on the package did it say what colours they were. Ah well, I guess that's what happens when you buy stuff from a dollar store. You win some and you lose some! But the mock-up turned out really well, I think. I can't wait to post pictures. I took some on my camera, but I can't think of where my uploader cord is right now... and besides the whole house is asleep at the moment, so I can't very well go looking for it, anyways! But I promise, I will upload the pictures soon! (You'll just have to be kept in suspense for the time being!) We're really happy with how they turned out - simple yet elegant and fresh. Now, we just have to ACTUALLY make them properly (ugh... measuring?) and then duplicate them forty times... So that will be fun!
Life really is just so very beautiful!
Monday, March 29, 2010
I am in love with these flowers!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sydnee's Possible Reception
Sydnee's Possible Venue
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Being Resourceful

And so something like that, a mini pail or ceramic pot, combined with some dirt and sticks you find from a walk outside (free! Hehe)... And then the top... I'm not sure what this could be made of... A styrofoam ball covered with something?
OR you could make the sticks out of pretzels and make the whole thing a little edible favour... The top could be... hmm a timbit maybe? Haha. Or like a cheeseball or something? Or maybe even a rumball? And the pot/pail could be filled with something else... like, I don't know peanut butter or something.
Hmm... I think it's time to experiment... LOL!
A New "Favour"ite

1 - 47 $2.40 each, 48 - 71 $2.15 each, 72 - 143 $1.99 each, 144 or more $1.80 each.
And these! Just $0.99!! I wonder if they'd be easy to make... I've never made soap before, so I wonder how tricky it is... But even so, $0.99 is an amazing price!
Wow, and these are creative! Personalized band-aids? I don't know what to think. But again, just $0.99!!

Ooh!! And I LOVE these place card holders!!!! How cute and creative are they? A little more pricey, but still not too bad. They come in sets of 4, it looks like. Here are the prices... 1-5 sets of 4: $7.35 each, 6-11 sets of 4: $6.45 each, 12 - 23 sets of 4: $6.15 each, 24 or more sets of 4: $5.60 each.

I officially love this site!!! (What do you think, Sydnee?)
What Exactly Does 'Cordially' Mean, Anyways?

Planning Sydnee's Wedding
I love planning with Sydnee, though. She's so laidback and isn't at all a demanding bridezilla! Oh, and guess what? My friend Acacia is going to be doing her wedding photos! Acacia is a wonderful photographer, and I think it will be a good ... wow, marriage is the only word I can think of. Haha. But it will be a good match. Beneficial to everyone involved: Acacia gets some mula as well as some wedding pictures to add to her portfolio, and Sydnee gets beatiful photos for a fraction of the price she'd be paying if she got them done by some crazily overpriced professional. And Acacia's photos really ARE beautiful. Like, REALLY beautiful. She has a good eye!
We also talked about colours: Sydnee is thinking either brown and turquoise (beautiful), or else maybe plum with another colour. She isn't sure though, what could go with plum. She was thinking white, but also thought that might be too plain. I don't know. Pale gold, maybe? Or a touch of green? Or... Hmm... I don't know.
We also were talking about dates, because some venues go up in price, depending on the date. But, the ones she has in mind now, don't. So, she might be having the wedding in July 2011, since the weather is more likely to be cooperative. BUT, she was thinking of going to Mexico or the Dominican Republic for her honeymoon, and so she was wondering if it would be too hot then, there. Hmm hmm hmm... There are so many little details you have to consider when planning a wedding!
Anyways, we talked about a lot more, but that's all I'll post about for now!
Miss Marian
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Place Card Ideas

These next two are from and they show another creative place card holder idea. Fabulous!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
You're Invited...

Happy Tape
Jasmine's Bridal
There was a better picture on the website of this one; it has this silver rhinestone clasp thing-y on the right side that adds a bit of glamour.

Guestbook? Nope. Guestrock.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Do Yourself a Favour
And I'm so glad that I finally get to help plan one! Sydnee and I are hopefully getting together this week to talk Wedding, so I'm looking forward to that. I've been browsing different websites for cheap and sweet ideas for weddings, and came across this one from OnceWed. It's an idea for a wedding favour that ends up costing approximately 10 cents each! Nice and cheap! And they are really cute, I think. All you need is some nice paper, which can easily be found at a good dollar store, scissors, and some ink to write your messages. They can say stuff like, "We're so fortunate to know you. Thanks for being here today." Love it!