Guess what I dreamt about last night? I had a dream about Rosie's wedding! Kindda odd, but hey, that's me! ;) It was gorgeous. She had her purple colour scheme, but in the dream, there was also some moss-y, olive-y green and this kind of pale gold thrown in there. I went with her to Le Chateau to try on dresses, and she even got her wedding dress there, which I'm pretty sure is impossible in real life! Haha. But anyways. The dress kept changing in the dream, but most of the time it was this full length, cream-y beaded masterpiece that was a little bit form fitting. Another time, though, it was a shorter dress, with a trim of the olive-y green at the hem, and a little bit simpler. I remember in the dream, we had a hard time finding something she liked, but it was quite realistic in the sense that there were employees helping us, and I had to wait while she was getting changed in the change rooms. But eventually we found the dress. I can't remember what the bridemaids dresses looked like, though. I think the maid-of-honour's dress was a different colour than the rest of the bridesmaids, but I just can't remember.
The wedding was outside at some resort or something, but supposedly the price had been really cheap. Haha, I wish. It was really a gorgeous wedding: flowers on pedastals were at the entrance, and the wedding itself was just before dusk, so everything was basked in this heavenly glow. The funny thing is the bridesmaids were only carrying this single, little purple and white flower, no bouquet, and it was kindda odd. Haha. But other than that, it was gorgeous. I woke up before the reception took place, though!