Thursday, July 29, 2010
Le Blah Blah.
It's been exactly 10 days since I last posted anything. I've been busy, as always. I registered for my courses for this upcoming semester, and was looking at courses at a local university for the following semester. Oh my goodness. University websites are so confusing. You need to click a link, to get to another link, to click another link, to get to a page with another link, that takes you to another link, that will then take you to a page withOUT the information you're looking for. AGH! It makes me frustrated. I need to go talk to an academic advisor, and I'm hoping they can help. At least I'm feeling like my schooling is starting to get me somewhere, and I'm getting closer to my dream of finally being a teacher. But anyhoopla.
Weddings. Let's talk about weddings. After all, that's what this blog is all about! :)
Well, not much news on the wedding front, besides there being a bajillion weddings on the horizon. Or maybe, I should say, in the foreground. Since they're all happening quite soon. But yeah. I really do love planning weddings, though I feel a little "green," so to speak, since this is my first time actually planning one. But at least I've been to a wedding recently and can kind of take some hints from the October Wedding... Oh! Do you know what site I really love now? I might have talked a bit about it before (or maybe not), but it's super cool. They have all these handmade masterpieces on there, anything from jewelry to accessories to wedding favours to other little decorations. It's very neat! I'd heard other bloggers rant and rave about the amazing-ness of Etsy, but you need to check it out for yourself! Some things can be expensive, because it's all private vendors, but some things are incredibly cheap. It's just up to you to find it!
Anyways, I'd blog some more, but my laptop is about to die, and the charger is in my parents' room (and they're sleeping right now). So I'll say adieu for now!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Reception Perfection!

Bride-To-Be Sydnee's Ceremony-To-Be... and Other Updates
After the mall, we headed to the location of her ceremony-to-be! Yes, this is most likely to be the one. All that they're waiting for is to be approved now (it's a park), though I think it unlikely that they wouldn't be. They've also picked a date, almost exactly a year from today, and a reception venue. It's so exciting. Now we can start the real planning. Or at least the fun stuff haha.
Anyways, here are some pictures she snapped with her iPhone:
The rose garden where the ceremony will actually take place. It is sooooo beautiful, with fragrant roses everywhere. And no need for an arch! There's a built-in arch of roses! ;)
This is behind the grassy part, where all the chairs would be. (That's one thing we were trying to figure out - how does it all get set up the day of the wedding, when everyone is already occupied with getting ready? Ah, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.)
From the side...
The view of the arch and the grassy area where the chairs will be set up.
The arch...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Royal Wedding

Isn't this such a sweet photo? I think it really sums up the love they must have for each other. Just look at that look Princess Victoria has in her eyes! Aww...! :P Haha.
The wedding fashion for the guests in Sweden is different than that of other countries, such as England. In Sweden, the women wear long, beautiful dresses (I saw some pictures in the magazine - they were all absolutely STUNNING) and the royals all wear their crowns (which I think is neat. I mean, it sounds kind of backwards, but you don't normally see a royal in a crown, that often!). Totally different than the tradition in England, where the ladies wear a skirt/suit combo and...
...crazy hats.
This is Princess Beatrice at Peter Phillips' wedding to Autumn Kelly. Below her is Kate Middleton, Prince William's girlfriend, at the wedding of Nicholas van Cutsem, wearing a more 'conventional' hat. But I think it's still a bit of a silly custom, and I much prefer Sweden's custom of long dresses and crowns! Hehe. ;)
But anyways, back to the Crown Princess of Sweden's wedding. Isn't this a beautiful shot?
They DEFINITELY married for love. He is so geeky-looking. Haha. But I think it's really cute, and she looks beautiful.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Summer is Finally Here!
But anyways. I've had a good couple of days. Yesterday and today were just glorious days. The sun was out and it finally felt like summer. On Tuesday, I spent the day in a park with my friend Joy. It was lovely. Though now I'm a bit burnt, especially on my right shoulder. Ah well, with any luck it will turn into a tan. We were just hanging out, and I was helping her with some acrostic (is that the right word?) poems she's writing for some of her friends. Then we went to her parents' house, played Wii and watched a movie. It was fun. :)
Then, today, I went to Sydnee's house. She has two new kitties; she and Keegan just adopted them! They are adorable! Two little girl cats, and she was joking that they're like her children now haha. After hanging out at her house for a bit, playing with the kitties, we just wandered around town, talking and eating ice cream cones, before meeting Shell at a local Starbucks. Oh, what fun! It was so nice to grab some frapps and just chitchat with two of my best friends. And NEWS: Shell's boyfriend Frank Austin isn't going to Japan, like he's said he would for ages. That was always a big deterrent for him for not getting married yet, because he'd be gone for a long time there. But now he's decided against it! Which, Syd, Shell and I hope means an engagement is in the air... ;) But we'll see. We talked about a lot of things regarding marriage and starting a life together, and we tried to think of ways to get Frank Austin to propose without him feeling pressured into doing it haha. We were just being silly girls and scheming. We were then going to go for a walk, but Keegan called, asking Syd if she could pick him up since he got off work early. So, Sydnee, Shell and I are planning on going for our walk tomorrow. Instead, we all went to a local pub to get five cent wings (well, Syd and I split some spinach dip). Keegan and his friend ate 80 of them!!! It was just a fun time.
But anyways. No real news on Sydnee's wedding. She's dragging her feet somewhat to get it done. The venue is still up in the air, but I told her that we're just going to have to get together and start planning it seriously! After all, it's almost exactly a year away, now. Shell was saying that the wedding she's bridesmaid-ing for is this August, too, so I might have to pick her brain on tips for planning a wedding. ;) But yeah. I'll keep you posted!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Registries, Money, and a Movie
It's been a while since I last posted, again. My laptop charge cord died (again! I have no luck with these things. I don't even know why. Just one day it decided it didn't want to do its job anymore.) and since my sister is taking a class online right now, my mom was writing report cards, and my brother has no internet connection at his place and comes to our house to use the computer, I haven't had much of a chance to blog about weddings in recent times. But now I have a new charge cord and I am content. So on to weddings!
My parents actually just came back from a wedding themselves today. I don't know the couple who got married, but I've heard all about their wedding. Apparently it was a really expensive wedding, in the tens of thousands of dollars range, I think around $40,000, maybe? I don't remember the exact figure at the moment. But isn't that crazy? Yikes! And my mom was commenting on the extremely expensive taste of the bride. She had, for their registry, registered things such as these 2 frying pans: one for $149.99 and the other for $159.99. Can you believe it? I mean, my mom was saying, "Imagine. I could've said, 'I bought the married couple a frying pan.' Doesn't that sound like I was cheap? But no, this frying pan cost about 150 bucks!" Haha. Like, really? My mom ended up buying white towels, which actually weren't on the wedding registry, because the bride had registered for two sets of towels. One of them were really expensive and my mom said ugly too! And the other set, there was some confusion because no employee could tell my mom which set exactly was registered. So my mom went with an elegant white towel set that would look nice in any home. And she still paid a pretty penny for it, but not the outrageous price that the bride had requested for that one set. Oh, and then, the bride had registered this plate setting, complete with a bowl, teacup, plates etc (6 pieces in total, I think)... Wanna guess how much? $100. Per place setting. And she wanted 12. Well, no one had bought any, and my mom was not going to buy just one place setting or all twelve! Haha. Oh my...
Anyways... Oh! Totally unrelated to weddings, but the other day I watched "The Young Victoria," a movie about Queen Victoria, with my family. SOOO good. I highly recommend it. Very interesting, and though they dramatized a few elements, it was mostly all historically accurate. It had Emily Blunt in it (who, among other things, played 'Emily' in 'The Devil Wears Prada,") and Rupert Friend (who played Mr. Wickham in the 2005 version of "Pride and Prejudice," the one with Keira Knightley [oh, also, on the topic of Keira Knightley, I say "Atonement" the other day, too. Really good movie! But really sad!]) -- I loved Rupert Friend's character especially. He was so ... noble and kind. He plays Prince Albert. The movie also had notable English actors such as Jim Broadbent (Professor Kirke from Narnia and Slughorn from Harry Potter), Miranda Richardson (Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter and Madame Giry from the 2004 movie of "Phantom of the Opera"), Paul Bettany (Chaucer in "A Knight's Tale," JARVIS from Iron Man 1 and 2, Charles in "A Beautiful Mind"), and Mark Strong (Mr. Knightly from the Gweneth Paltrow version of "Emma"). They were all so good in it and I think that the movie has become one of my favourites of all time. I didn't know much about Queen Victoria, but I learned a lot about her life after watching this movie. SO good!
Anyways, though. I'm off to sleep shortly. I'll try to post some photos soon!
Lots of love,