Tuesday, October 25, 2011
When Everything Goes Wrong...
No matter how much planning goes into a wedding, something is bound to go UN-according to plan. Here are some funny wedding bloopers from YouTube!
Look out, the adorable flower girl might steal the show! :)
Who is she texting, anyways?? Aren't all the important people in her life at the wedding already??
They say rain is lucky on a wedding day. What about just water?
Maybe an unlucky wedding makes for a lucky marriage?
Look out, the adorable flower girl might steal the show! :)
Who is she texting, anyways?? Aren't all the important people in her life at the wedding already??
They say rain is lucky on a wedding day. What about just water?
Maybe an unlucky wedding makes for a lucky marriage?
Five Fabulous Flowers
I was watching "Four Weddings" on TV, and it got me into the wedding mood, again, and for some reason, I started thinking of beautiful flowers. So, here are five examples of flowers I love!
1. My all-time favourite flowers are gerbera daisies. I especially love the cream-coloured ones, with the dark centre. I think they look elegant, yet a bit fun at the same time! Gerbers are great wedding flowers because they are apparently always in bloom, and thus they are not so expensive (or so I've heard). They also come in a variety of different colours, which is always nice! Proflower.com says that gerbera daisies mean "innocence and purity, and daisies are also a classic symbol of beauty. However, the gerbera variety holds an added meaning of cheerfulness, which stems from the assortment of colors available."

2. Tulips! According to proflowers.com, "the meaning of tulips is generally perfect love. Like many flowers, different colors of tulips also often carry their own significance. Red tulips are most strongly associated with true love, while purple symbolizes royalty. The meaning of yellow tulips has evolved somewhat, from once representing hopeless love to now being a common expression for cheerful thoughts and sunshine. White tulips are used to claim worthiness or to send a message of forgiveness. Variegated tulips, once among the most popular varieties due to their striking color patterns, represent beautiful eyes." My favourite, though, is what easyflowers.com says of the meaning of yellow tulips: "there's sunshine in your smile." :)
3. Stephanotis. This is a fantastic wedding flower. Know why? Because its meaning is marital happiness! Perfect, isn't it? And I just love how pure and fresh these flowers look. I have also heard that the second meaning of stephanotis is a desire to travel... Hmm, honeymoon, anyone? Hehe.

4. Hydrangea. According to teleflora.com, "there remains some debate over the hydrangea’s symbolism – with some connecting it to vanity and boastfulness (perhaps reflecting its abundance of petals and lavish, rounded shape) and others suggesting that a bouquet of hydrangea expresses the giver’s gratefulness for the recipient’s understanding. Still others suggest it represents anything that’s sincerely heartfelt." I think they are a beautiful flower, though - very elegant and simple. Lovely!

1. My all-time favourite flowers are gerbera daisies. I especially love the cream-coloured ones, with the dark centre. I think they look elegant, yet a bit fun at the same time! Gerbers are great wedding flowers because they are apparently always in bloom, and thus they are not so expensive (or so I've heard). They also come in a variety of different colours, which is always nice! Proflower.com says that gerbera daisies mean "innocence and purity, and daisies are also a classic symbol of beauty. However, the gerbera variety holds an added meaning of cheerfulness, which stems from the assortment of colors available."

2. Tulips! According to proflowers.com, "the meaning of tulips is generally perfect love. Like many flowers, different colors of tulips also often carry their own significance. Red tulips are most strongly associated with true love, while purple symbolizes royalty. The meaning of yellow tulips has evolved somewhat, from once representing hopeless love to now being a common expression for cheerful thoughts and sunshine. White tulips are used to claim worthiness or to send a message of forgiveness. Variegated tulips, once among the most popular varieties due to their striking color patterns, represent beautiful eyes." My favourite, though, is what easyflowers.com says of the meaning of yellow tulips: "there's sunshine in your smile." :)

3. Stephanotis. This is a fantastic wedding flower. Know why? Because its meaning is marital happiness! Perfect, isn't it? And I just love how pure and fresh these flowers look. I have also heard that the second meaning of stephanotis is a desire to travel... Hmm, honeymoon, anyone? Hehe.

4. Hydrangea. According to teleflora.com, "there remains some debate over the hydrangea’s symbolism – with some connecting it to vanity and boastfulness (perhaps reflecting its abundance of petals and lavish, rounded shape) and others suggesting that a bouquet of hydrangea expresses the giver’s gratefulness for the recipient’s understanding. Still others suggest it represents anything that’s sincerely heartfelt." I think they are a beautiful flower, though - very elegant and simple. Lovely!

5. Chrysanthemum. Teleflower.com says that, "chrysanthemums symbolize optimism and joy." It goes on and explains, that, as "a symbol of the sun, the Japanese consider the orderly unfolding of the chrysanthemum’s petals to represent perfection, and Confucius once suggested they be used as an object of meditation. It’s said that a single petal of this celebrated flower placed at the bottom of a wine glass will encourage a long and healthy life." Interesting, non?

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Rosamund and Caleb's Wedding
So, it's been more than a month since Rosamund and Caleb got married, and I thought it would be time for a recap of what happened!
So, as you may or may not remember, I was trying to figure out what to wear for this wedding... This is the outfit I decided on, along with a grey short-sleeved sweater with lace on the top. (Don't mind that I'm standing in a bathtub haha! It's the only place I can get a "full-length" shot of myself, in my house!)

So, Abbey-Shae and I bussed to the church together. And this is the view of the sanctuary as we walked in. Rosamund's cousin Bianca, as well as the music/drama pastor, Martha, a pianist from our church named Isaiah, and one of the worship leaders, Aric, were playing and singing some lovely songs.

Isn't the aisle lovely? I heart rose petals. Rosamunds colours, as you can see, were green and pink. Pretty!

We took our seats after admiring the decor, and helping set some food out and such. Soon, the wedding began! Here is one of the bridesmaids (one of Rosamund's sisters), walking down the aisle with a groomsman. I LOVED the bridesmaids' outfits. The dresses were so flattering, and were this really pretty pink (you can't really tell in the photo). And of course, they were wearing PEARLS!! Beautiful! They also carried fans, instead of flowers, which I thought was unique.

Then, it was time for the bride to make her entrance. Oh, how beautiful she looked! She was wearing her grandmother's dress, which her mother had worn, as well. What a lovely touch! Caleb was crying as she walked down to meet him, which the Pastor laughed a bit about, because apparently, beforehand, Caleb had scoffed at the idea of having tissues in his pocket, not thinking he'd be tearing up at all. But he did! It was so sweet.
The ceremony included some interesting touches, such as when Rosamund and Caleb washed each others' feet. In Christian circles, this is a symbol of servanthood. Jesus washed his disciples feet and it shows humility and sacrificial love. It was an interesting ritual to put into the ceremony!
It was a beautiful ceremony all together. A little girl in front of me remarked at one point, "She's a princess!" And gasped. It was so cute. And here is a blurry picture of the kiss! So sweet.

After the kiss was a sort of cocktail hour, kind of thing, with snacks for the guests. Here are some pictures from the foyer.

And here is the back of Rosamund's dress! Since this is Weddingaholic Anonymous, though, I'm not including a picture of the front. Sorry! Haha. But, it's very similar, actually, to Kate Middleton's wedding dress.

And of course some food! Cupcakes, my favourite! :) I had to leave to go to work, unfortunately, after this, so I didn't get a chance to see what the reception was like. But it was a beautiful wedding, and I am so happy for Rosamund and Caleb!

So, as you may or may not remember, I was trying to figure out what to wear for this wedding... This is the outfit I decided on, along with a grey short-sleeved sweater with lace on the top. (Don't mind that I'm standing in a bathtub haha! It's the only place I can get a "full-length" shot of myself, in my house!)

So, Abbey-Shae and I bussed to the church together. And this is the view of the sanctuary as we walked in. Rosamund's cousin Bianca, as well as the music/drama pastor, Martha, a pianist from our church named Isaiah, and one of the worship leaders, Aric, were playing and singing some lovely songs.

Isn't the aisle lovely? I heart rose petals. Rosamunds colours, as you can see, were green and pink. Pretty!

We took our seats after admiring the decor, and helping set some food out and such. Soon, the wedding began! Here is one of the bridesmaids (one of Rosamund's sisters), walking down the aisle with a groomsman. I LOVED the bridesmaids' outfits. The dresses were so flattering, and were this really pretty pink (you can't really tell in the photo). And of course, they were wearing PEARLS!! Beautiful! They also carried fans, instead of flowers, which I thought was unique.

Then, it was time for the bride to make her entrance. Oh, how beautiful she looked! She was wearing her grandmother's dress, which her mother had worn, as well. What a lovely touch! Caleb was crying as she walked down to meet him, which the Pastor laughed a bit about, because apparently, beforehand, Caleb had scoffed at the idea of having tissues in his pocket, not thinking he'd be tearing up at all. But he did! It was so sweet.
The ceremony included some interesting touches, such as when Rosamund and Caleb washed each others' feet. In Christian circles, this is a symbol of servanthood. Jesus washed his disciples feet and it shows humility and sacrificial love. It was an interesting ritual to put into the ceremony!
It was a beautiful ceremony all together. A little girl in front of me remarked at one point, "She's a princess!" And gasped. It was so cute. And here is a blurry picture of the kiss! So sweet.

After the kiss was a sort of cocktail hour, kind of thing, with snacks for the guests. Here are some pictures from the foyer.

And of course some food! Cupcakes, my favourite! :) I had to leave to go to work, unfortunately, after this, so I didn't get a chance to see what the reception was like. But it was a beautiful wedding, and I am so happy for Rosamund and Caleb!

Does anyone out there like doing (need to do!) lists, like me, to keep their head straight? Yeah, here are my lists for Rosie's upcoming wedding: To-do, To-bring, Schedule of the day... Of course, I wrote this one with all the proper names, as on this blog (ie, "Missy" instead of my sister's real name). Yeah... Yay last minute wedding stress!

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Bridal Show!
The other day, I went to a bridal show with Shell and one of her bridesmaids, Linnea.
It was everything a weddingaholic like me loves.
First, I met Linnea at our local mall, because she graciously said she could drive Shell and myself. I have met Linnea before, her being a friend-of-a-friend, but I hadn't seen her in years, so I wasn't sure how it would be in the car, truthfully - if it would be hard to converse or whatever... But it was SO much fun. She is so easy to talk to, and we were laughing hysterically by the end of it. We got a bit mixed up, trying to find Shell's new place, but we eventually found it. After a quick tour of Shell's home (which was gorgeous!), we headed off to the bridal show! I was beyond excited, not only because it was my first bridal show, but also because I hadn't seen Shell in AGES.
When we got there, Shell gave us our tickets and we had the chance to look around at a show room that they had set up. Sooo pretty. I'll upload pictures later. It was a room that they had decorated to look like a wedding reception, with the colour scheme of gold and purple. (Abbey-Shae, you probably would have LOVED it.) After wandering through that room for a couple of minutes, we went upstairs and gave in our tickets. (Linnea and I were hoping to be able to keep them for scrapbooking, but oh well!) Shell was given a goody-bag, which included a bridal magazine, and given a butterfly pin to wear (so the vendors would know who to target, I guess!) We walked around for a couple of minutes, looking at different booths that were set up, such as a hair and make-up table (where the models for the upcoming fashion show were being styled).
But soon, we realized seats for the fashion show were filling up quickly and so we decided to sit down before they were all full. We were able to get the last group of three together, which was so nice. Then, we just chit-chatted for a bit. Linnea went and got us some chocolate-covered strawberries and marshmellows from a nearby booth. (I was positively starving, because I hadn't had the chance to eat anything before coming, but the two of them were so sweet. Shell even dug out some granola bars she had stashed in the pocket of her coat for such instances.) Then, we watched the fashion show! They had bridesmaids' dresses come out first... so pretty! There was this one-shouldered red dress that I thought was absolutely stunning. It was about knee-length, and chiffon-y... so pretty. I wish we had been allowed to take pictures.
Intermittently, the DJ would talk about the different vendors at the show, and also pull names for door prizes. Unfortunately, Shell didn't win anything. There was even a honeymoon up for grabs, but some lucky girl won that. We actually also ran into a girl Shell and I went to highschool with: Angie (and it turned out that Linnea actually knew her, too), and she was joking that she was competition for winning that honeymoon. Haha.
But anyways, back to the fashion show. They only showed about three to five outfits at a time, in different categories: bridesmaids, brides and flower girls, and grooms. The bridal fashion and groom (groomal? Shouldn't that be a word?) fashions came out a few times, so there were probably around ten to fifteen wedding dresses and tuxes/suits that they showed. It was really funny because the girls would come out, walking regularly, looking beautiful, and occasionally interacting sweetly with a flower girl or something. But the men... oh, the men. They were performers, dancing it up on stage. One guy even pulled up a girl from the audience to dance with him. It was pretty funny. There were some beautiful gowns shown, though. We tried to find out the style number of one that Shell had really liked, but were told a bit smartly that the vendors weren't allowed to give out style numbers, for some reason. We were told the name of the dress, which was something like Bellamy? But yeah, it was a really great fashion show. (Though, I will admit, it was a bit long, with lots of pauses in the middle... even an intermission that lasted longer than I thought it would...)
After the fashion show, we looked around at a couple more booths. One booth was advertising this company that would set up this really sleek, modern-looking DONUT STATION at your wedding. Yes, that's right. Apparently mini donuts are the new craze at weddings. Who knew? Shell also looked at a honeymoon table, and the three of us passed by the chocolate fondue table with the strawberries, marshmellows and other treats... Ohhh, how heavenly. When I get married, there are DEFINITELY going to be chocolate-covered strawberries. Mark my words. One of the last stations we looked at was the photo-booth station. How awesome was that? You just go into this booth, press a button, and it takes four pictures of you. It was so much fun! Linnea took the photos that printed off and is going to scan them for Shell and I.
Then, it was time to head home. We dropped Shell off at her house, and then continued on our way. It was such a great chance to talk to Linnea. She is SUCH a sweetheart, and we just had some great discussions. I'm really looking forward to being a bridesmaid with her! AND, she's already married, so she will have a lot of insight as to planning and whatnot. (Shell was actually her bridesmaid, oh, like a year ago now.)
All in all, a great way to spend the evening! I was on a high from it for days, still, afterwards. Haha. Yay for weddings!
It was everything a weddingaholic like me loves.
First, I met Linnea at our local mall, because she graciously said she could drive Shell and myself. I have met Linnea before, her being a friend-of-a-friend, but I hadn't seen her in years, so I wasn't sure how it would be in the car, truthfully - if it would be hard to converse or whatever... But it was SO much fun. She is so easy to talk to, and we were laughing hysterically by the end of it. We got a bit mixed up, trying to find Shell's new place, but we eventually found it. After a quick tour of Shell's home (which was gorgeous!), we headed off to the bridal show! I was beyond excited, not only because it was my first bridal show, but also because I hadn't seen Shell in AGES.
When we got there, Shell gave us our tickets and we had the chance to look around at a show room that they had set up. Sooo pretty. I'll upload pictures later. It was a room that they had decorated to look like a wedding reception, with the colour scheme of gold and purple. (Abbey-Shae, you probably would have LOVED it.) After wandering through that room for a couple of minutes, we went upstairs and gave in our tickets. (Linnea and I were hoping to be able to keep them for scrapbooking, but oh well!) Shell was given a goody-bag, which included a bridal magazine, and given a butterfly pin to wear (so the vendors would know who to target, I guess!) We walked around for a couple of minutes, looking at different booths that were set up, such as a hair and make-up table (where the models for the upcoming fashion show were being styled).
But soon, we realized seats for the fashion show were filling up quickly and so we decided to sit down before they were all full. We were able to get the last group of three together, which was so nice. Then, we just chit-chatted for a bit. Linnea went and got us some chocolate-covered strawberries and marshmellows from a nearby booth. (I was positively starving, because I hadn't had the chance to eat anything before coming, but the two of them were so sweet. Shell even dug out some granola bars she had stashed in the pocket of her coat for such instances.) Then, we watched the fashion show! They had bridesmaids' dresses come out first... so pretty! There was this one-shouldered red dress that I thought was absolutely stunning. It was about knee-length, and chiffon-y... so pretty. I wish we had been allowed to take pictures.
Intermittently, the DJ would talk about the different vendors at the show, and also pull names for door prizes. Unfortunately, Shell didn't win anything. There was even a honeymoon up for grabs, but some lucky girl won that. We actually also ran into a girl Shell and I went to highschool with: Angie (and it turned out that Linnea actually knew her, too), and she was joking that she was competition for winning that honeymoon. Haha.
But anyways, back to the fashion show. They only showed about three to five outfits at a time, in different categories: bridesmaids, brides and flower girls, and grooms. The bridal fashion and groom (groomal? Shouldn't that be a word?) fashions came out a few times, so there were probably around ten to fifteen wedding dresses and tuxes/suits that they showed. It was really funny because the girls would come out, walking regularly, looking beautiful, and occasionally interacting sweetly with a flower girl or something. But the men... oh, the men. They were performers, dancing it up on stage. One guy even pulled up a girl from the audience to dance with him. It was pretty funny. There were some beautiful gowns shown, though. We tried to find out the style number of one that Shell had really liked, but were told a bit smartly that the vendors weren't allowed to give out style numbers, for some reason. We were told the name of the dress, which was something like Bellamy? But yeah, it was a really great fashion show. (Though, I will admit, it was a bit long, with lots of pauses in the middle... even an intermission that lasted longer than I thought it would...)
After the fashion show, we looked around at a couple more booths. One booth was advertising this company that would set up this really sleek, modern-looking DONUT STATION at your wedding. Yes, that's right. Apparently mini donuts are the new craze at weddings. Who knew? Shell also looked at a honeymoon table, and the three of us passed by the chocolate fondue table with the strawberries, marshmellows and other treats... Ohhh, how heavenly. When I get married, there are DEFINITELY going to be chocolate-covered strawberries. Mark my words. One of the last stations we looked at was the photo-booth station. How awesome was that? You just go into this booth, press a button, and it takes four pictures of you. It was so much fun! Linnea took the photos that printed off and is going to scan them for Shell and I.
Then, it was time to head home. We dropped Shell off at her house, and then continued on our way. It was such a great chance to talk to Linnea. She is SUCH a sweetheart, and we just had some great discussions. I'm really looking forward to being a bridesmaid with her! AND, she's already married, so she will have a lot of insight as to planning and whatnot. (Shell was actually her bridesmaid, oh, like a year ago now.)
All in all, a great way to spend the evening! I was on a high from it for days, still, afterwards. Haha. Yay for weddings!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hello, Yellow!
I've had these pictures for a while - photos of lovely yellow bridesmaids' dresses! I love yellow. :)
Isn't this first picture cute? I love the pop of colour in the shoes, as well. And the bride is wearing yellow heels! How awesome is that?!? I just love it all - from the simple white bouquets, to the gorgeous dresses, to the fun footwear! My favourite style dress, though, is the one that the woman directly to the left of the bride is wearing, with the scoop neckline. Pretty!

Isn't this first picture cute? I love the pop of colour in the shoes, as well. And the bride is wearing yellow heels! How awesome is that?!? I just love it all - from the simple white bouquets, to the gorgeous dresses, to the fun footwear! My favourite style dress, though, is the one that the woman directly to the left of the bride is wearing, with the scoop neckline. Pretty!

I think this next picture is fun, too! My favourite dress is the second one, I think. Aren't the orange bouquets unique? I don't think I would have orange, but I still think it makes for a really fun, happy, summery kind of feel.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
I saw this in a window...
Saturday, September 3, 2011
200th Post!
Can you believe it? I can't! I've been at this blog since 2009! Crazy. How time flies...
Well , I think it's finally time to continue on the story of Sydnee's wedding. The day before had been cloudy, and we were fervently hoping that the rain would hold off... It wasn't looking too promising, but Sydnee decided she would make the final decision of what to do in a couple of hours' time.
Well, the night before, Keira and I had spent the night at Syd's, but I don't think any of us got a wink of sleep, really. We had an early wake-up call because the hairdresser was meeting us at the reception site at 7am to get started on our hair and make-up.
This was my inspiration photo, though it ended up looking nothing like it. But maybe, I'll save this picture for my own wedding, one day, because I really like the style.
So, after a breakfast brought by Sydnee's mom and step-sister, we started to get our hair and make-up done, one by one. Sydnee's mom and mother-in-law-to-be were first. The rest of us helped to decorate, putting the chair covers on the chairs and setting up the tables when the person who Sydnee rented the linens from showed up.
Buuut, things were not going according to plan. We took a peek outside and this is what we saw:

RAIN! Lots and lots of rain. So, plan B, anyone? Sydnee decided to have the whole wedding at the reception site, because it just wouldn't be feasable outside at all. A shame, but there was nothing to be done. So, we called everyone on the guest list and did a quick room-change. We pushed the tables to the back, and the chairs that were around the tables, we used as the chairs for the ceremony. It ended up looking gorgeous!

Are those sashes all straight? :)

Isn't this aisle runner STUNNING? I love how it turned out, with the flower petals on each side. I was there when Sydney bought it online, so it was amazing to see it all those weeks later, in person! (And it's definitely a good thing we didn't go outside for the ceremony, because that thing would have been SOAKED!)
More decorating.... At times, I felt like a chicken running with my head cut off because there was so much to do. But it was AWESOME! I felt priveledged to be the maid of honour, and I definitely wanted this day to be the best day of Sydnee's life! So, I strove to make it all perfect... With the help of the other bridesmaids as well as some relatives, the place looked great, I think! All that perfectionism and doing little things like putting the chairs in order, or scattering the flower petals perfectly, or filling up the flower girl's basket, or making sure the chair sashes were straight, or putting the programmes with bubbles on each chair, or what-have-you... it was all worth it! This was Sydnee and Keegan's special day and I sure was going to do everything I could to make sure it went as smoothly as possible... (It may not have always gone according to plan, as you will see, but it still turned out fantastically!) Anyways. More pictures!

The head table, which we kept where it was the whole time. Sydnee and Keegan had made the wine themselves that was on the tables.

The paper lanterns! Aren't the gorgeous? I really should have taken a before and after picture of the room, because the space was literally transformed. It didn't look like much when we got there the day before the wedding, but man, it turned out beautifully!
Annnd, after hours of changing around the room and decorating, and getting ready, I tied on the rings to the ring pillow... Time was ticking, and soon, Sydnee would become Mrs. Sagalla.....
Well , I think it's finally time to continue on the story of Sydnee's wedding. The day before had been cloudy, and we were fervently hoping that the rain would hold off... It wasn't looking too promising, but Sydnee decided she would make the final decision of what to do in a couple of hours' time.
Well, the night before, Keira and I had spent the night at Syd's, but I don't think any of us got a wink of sleep, really. We had an early wake-up call because the hairdresser was meeting us at the reception site at 7am to get started on our hair and make-up.
This was my inspiration photo, though it ended up looking nothing like it. But maybe, I'll save this picture for my own wedding, one day, because I really like the style.

So, after a breakfast brought by Sydnee's mom and step-sister, we started to get our hair and make-up done, one by one. Sydnee's mom and mother-in-law-to-be were first. The rest of us helped to decorate, putting the chair covers on the chairs and setting up the tables when the person who Sydnee rented the linens from showed up.
Buuut, things were not going according to plan. We took a peek outside and this is what we saw:

RAIN! Lots and lots of rain. So, plan B, anyone? Sydnee decided to have the whole wedding at the reception site, because it just wouldn't be feasable outside at all. A shame, but there was nothing to be done. So, we called everyone on the guest list and did a quick room-change. We pushed the tables to the back, and the chairs that were around the tables, we used as the chairs for the ceremony. It ended up looking gorgeous!

Are those sashes all straight? :)

Isn't this aisle runner STUNNING? I love how it turned out, with the flower petals on each side. I was there when Sydney bought it online, so it was amazing to see it all those weeks later, in person! (And it's definitely a good thing we didn't go outside for the ceremony, because that thing would have been SOAKED!)

More decorating.... At times, I felt like a chicken running with my head cut off because there was so much to do. But it was AWESOME! I felt priveledged to be the maid of honour, and I definitely wanted this day to be the best day of Sydnee's life! So, I strove to make it all perfect... With the help of the other bridesmaids as well as some relatives, the place looked great, I think! All that perfectionism and doing little things like putting the chairs in order, or scattering the flower petals perfectly, or filling up the flower girl's basket, or making sure the chair sashes were straight, or putting the programmes with bubbles on each chair, or what-have-you... it was all worth it! This was Sydnee and Keegan's special day and I sure was going to do everything I could to make sure it went as smoothly as possible... (It may not have always gone according to plan, as you will see, but it still turned out fantastically!) Anyways. More pictures!

The head table, which we kept where it was the whole time. Sydnee and Keegan had made the wine themselves that was on the tables.

Annnd, after hours of changing around the room and decorating, and getting ready, I tied on the rings to the ring pillow... Time was ticking, and soon, Sydnee would become Mrs. Sagalla.....

More to come soon.......
I Need Your Help...
... with what to wear to Rosamund's wedding! There's less than a week to go before her wedding, and I still don't know which outfit I'm going to wear. So, I decided to take some pictures of my wardrobe and get some feedback. Though, I'm not sure anyone will actually respond, it was a fun notion in any case. :)
Option Number 1: A grey, white, and black dress, with perhaps a belt and red pumps?
Option Number 2: A tight-fitting black dress (that's one problem with it, it can be quite tight fitting at times), with an optional polka-dot scarf, and again, red pumps.
Options Number 3, 4, and 5: A blue dress; my bridesmaid's dress from Sydnee's wedding; or a black, almost Audrey Hepburn-ish dress.
Options 6, 7, and 8: a white and black pencil-skirt style dress, a pink dress, or a black and white patterned dress.
Options 9 or 10: a shiny, black, short dress with a flower gather on the sash (sorry the picture didn't show up too well); or another black and white patterned dress.
THEN. Accessories. First: scarves. Lacy, green; flower patterned; polkadot.
Some shoes. My silver grad shoes, my red pumps, my skin-tone peep toes. Also not pictured are my shoes from Sydnee's wedding (brown strappy sandals with a peep toe and flowers), black heeled boots, beige and brown fabric pumps, and some silver flats.
Aaaaannnnd more accessories! My favourite velvet blue heels, different clutches, necklaces, belts... Hmm.... What's a girl to wear?
And the eye shadow that I just bought and LOVE already... Bought it from Walmart for around $5ish? Something like that. But I know this is the make-up that I'll be wearing...
Also, I wanted to mention that I have different colour cardigans: pale purple, dark purple, coral pink, yellow, as well as different black shrugs... Hmm... So many options!
Option Number 1: A grey, white, and black dress, with perhaps a belt and red pumps?

Options 6, 7, and 8: a white and black pencil-skirt style dress, a pink dress, or a black and white patterned dress.

Some shoes. My silver grad shoes, my red pumps, my skin-tone peep toes. Also not pictured are my shoes from Sydnee's wedding (brown strappy sandals with a peep toe and flowers), black heeled boots, beige and brown fabric pumps, and some silver flats.

Aaaaannnnd more accessories! My favourite velvet blue heels, different clutches, necklaces, belts... Hmm.... What's a girl to wear?

And the eye shadow that I just bought and LOVE already... Bought it from Walmart for around $5ish? Something like that. But I know this is the make-up that I'll be wearing...

Also, I wanted to mention that I have different colour cardigans: pale purple, dark purple, coral pink, yellow, as well as different black shrugs... Hmm... So many options!
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