Well, I was talking to Shell a while back, and she showed me this site about cupcakes! You have to see it. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lecupcake/sets/72157621646674435/show/ It's a slideshow with all these different pictures of the cutest cupcakes you have ever seen. Because, that's what I'm thinking of doing, instead of a cake. Well, maybe I'll have a one-layered cake on top, but the rest just colourful cupcakes. I'm really thinking of a yellow colour scheme, and so I think yellow and white cupcakes would be the sweetest! (There's a really good picture of some yellow cupcakes in the slideshow.) Also, in this slideshow, there's some really cute pictures of cupcakes inside of teacups! I wish I could do this at my wedding, but I don't know how you could do it, practically. But I'll keep the idea in mind for future reference.
Wow, the above paragraph was such a girly girl paragraph. Just saying, ya know? Haha. But I guess that's what this blog is all about! ;)

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