Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November, already???

Okay, so I admit I've been beyond terrible with blogging lately.
I just haven't felt inspired, ya know?  Maybe it's because I've gone through Sydnee's, Rosie's and Shell's weddings all in the span of a year (as well as attended some other ones), and I just got wedding-ed out a bit.  And of course, there's the clichĂ©d excuse that I've been busy.  Which I have.  Super busy.  And my thoughts have just been... occupied with something other than weddings lately.  I've taken over leading my church's pre-teen youth group. I'm working full-time at my job and am taking on some new responsibilities there (I just became a trainer and am taking over as Community Lead).  My aunt had a brain tumour and just had surgery on Monday, which has obviously been a stressor on the family.  (It sounds like she's okay, though.)  Plus, Christmas and all its craziness is coming up.
But I'm sure you're not here to read about all that.
I do wish, though, I could just take a vacation for a little while.  It's not going to happen, at least until the summer, maybe...
But, anyways, this is a just a post to say that I haven't forgotten about this blog, and I am planning on doing some more posts soon, if time allows.  I still have a million photos and subjects to blog about...  One day, I'll get through them all!