Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Men

So, I was thinking the other day... I think a lot about what the women of a wedding wear. What about the men? I'll admit I'm absolutely no expert on guys' clothes, and I realize that my fiancé will almost 100% for sure pick out his own suit/tux/whatever for the wedding. But still I was curious, and so decided to check out Moores' website. It's interesting, because I'm not well versed in men's wardrobe, some tuxes and such I like, but others, I don't, and I'm not even sure why. Hmm. Anywho. Here are some pictures from Moores.

I kind of like this old-fashioned look, though with a slightly different pattern on the tie, and not necessarily pin-striped pants. But I like the pin in the tie... I don't know. It's old-fashioned-looking, like I said, but I like it!

I definitely love bowties on the whole, more than regular ties.

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Can't Think of a Snappy Title for this Post...

So yesterday I went out with Sydnee. We played tennis. :) It was awesome. Though, my arm hurts now! And I'm not very good. But it was fun! Haha. After that, we went out to grab some sandwiches and coffee and sat in a park and just talked. I love chill days like that. Of course, with her wedding coming close to being a year away now, our talk drifted to weddings. She's still unsure about the venue, and is looking around, though she wants to have one picked out by next month. I'm hoping we can find a really good one for a good price. Because it's just ridiculous how expensive they can be! So, here's to crossed fingers!
She also said that her fiancé Keegan is wanting to get more involved with wedding planning now. But he alternated between stating his input and then saying, "But do what you want. A happy wife is a happy life." Haha. Sydnee said in a way it's really nice, but also complicates things a little... So we'll see how it goes! It's true that it is his wedding, too, and we want him to love it!
In other news, I remembered the other 'wedding news' that I forgot about a couple posts back. My friend Abbey-Shae's brother Andy is going to be getting engaged, soon. His soon-to-be-fiancée came visiting and I got to meet her. She's really nice! I'll call her Lulu. She, Abbey, Rosie and I all got together and went to the mall in our town. There's this (kind of pathetic but still interesting) antique store in our mall that we browsed, trying on rings, looking at old records, and looking at the parrots they have there. Then, we actually went to a jeweller to 'get some ideas' on the kind of ring Lulu would want. There were some really pretty rings there. And some were very expensive! There was this neat trio of rings (one for engagement, one for wedding, and one for anniversary) but it was over $1000 (can't remember the actual price). After browsing the rings (the employee working there was actually really good about it. But I guess that was because Abbey was like, "She's marrying my brother and I want to be able to tell him what ring to get her.") Lulu went to get her nails done, and then we went out to eat at the café Sydnee works at. It was SO yummy. I had this really good sandwich with all these veggies in it... Mmmm... We were also going to go look at dresses in a nearby wedding shop, but since Rosie had recently split up with Jake and so didn't want to be reminded of the wedding-that-almost-was, we didn't go. We ended up going to a local Christian bookstore, before having to part ways (Abbey and I were going to the pre-teen youth group we volunteer at, Lulu was babysitting Abbey's sister, and Rosie was going home). It was a fun little outing and it was really nice to meet Lulu!

New Layout!

I decided it was time to give my blog a bit of a facelift and change it up a bit. What do you think? ;) I'm still learning the ropes of blogging and such, but I like it. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm So Silly...

So, I wanted to blog about these two new dresses I bought today. They are simply gorgeous. So, what did I decide to do to show them? Not take a picture of them. No, that would be far too simple. No, not even go to the website of the store from which I bought them. I mean, because that would make TOTAL sense, right, and we wouldn't want that now, would we? SO, I decided to draw them on Paint. Here they are HAHA:
Of course, AFTER I drew them, Sense caught up to me and I realized I should have gone to the website. Silly me. Ah well. Now you can see my artwork, too. LOL. But I love them. Here's the first one I got (it looks far better in person, I think) -- regular $80, by the way, and bought for $32! A great deal! (And it has pockets!!! Love love love it!)

And here is the other one. Regular price $90 (!!!) and bought for $15 (!!!) -- LOVE IT!

We bought the same one for my sister Missie, too, but in blue and black because the price was so amazing! (She loved it!) I love deals. Especially when they concern dresses. And especially when they concern GORGEOUS dresses! ;)
Ahhh... What bliss. ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All the latest news...

Wow, that sounds like one of those celebrity talk shows, where they have all the latest gossip on people we don't really want to hear about....
But, what I mean is: here's the latest on other weddings in the near future for me... :) (Not my own, thiough sadly. Sigh. One day, one day!)
My cousin Juliet (sister to Eli, whose wedding I went to in October) is engaged! I don't know how exactly he popped the question, since Juliet's across the country, but it's so exciting! She's marrying an American... let's call him John. I haven't met him ever, but I can't believe she's getting married! :D Although we live on opposite sides of the country, I've always had a good relationship with Juliet, writing letters back and forth to each other since we were little. She's only 2 years older than me, and so whenever we go to visit, we got along really well. I remember writing in diaries together, and asking her how to spell "Jumanji" - a movie we had seen recently. And I remember playing Polly Pockets with her and wearing matching clothes. I remember playing board games in our aunt's basement and watching "Raise Your Voice" in her basement. Lots of good memories! And I can't believe she's getting married! Both she and John are in this program in Florida right now. I'm just so happy for her!
Also, some not-so-wedding news. Rosie and Jake broke up, for intensely personal reasons. But it really is for the better, and I'm really proud of Rosie for making the decision, as hard as it's been. She deserves the best. But also sad news, Rosie's moving in with her sister, her brother-in-law and her niece (for a completely different reason)... So she'll be a couple hours away. :( Extra sadface. Life's path really is unexpected.
And hmm... Let's see, I think that's all the wedding-related updates I have... I feel like there's something else, but I can't think right now... It's too late (err... early...) to remember.

Anyways, more later!
<3 M.M.

Flowers, Châteaux, and Centrepieces... I Love Weddings!

So, I haven't blogged about Sydnee's wedding for a while. I got together with her, oh, like a month ago, probably. We actually went to a local florist's to talk about flowers, as well as to a local grocery store. It actually turns out that turquoise-blue flowers don't come naturally so you're looking to either dye them, or what the florist suggested, spray them. Interesting little tidbit. She also suggested going with white flowers and then bringing in colour with bits of ribbon and such. So, I'll keep you updated!

Also, when I last talked to Sydnee about it, she's now thinking of this venue because the other one was more expensive than she thought, originally. But this new one is so beautiful, I think.
Here is the indoor option for the ceremony. Sydnee has been to a wedding here before, and she said it looked beautiful. I think it has a lot of potential, and is a great space for a wedding! (Love the chandeliers.)
And here is the outdoor option for the ceremony.
This is called the Hidden Garden or something. How romantic! ;)
Here's the back of the Chateau. Isn't it lovely?

And, the front of the Chateau - a great place to pose for pictures, I think! Though the whole place is really gorgeous. But I especially think, with its white pillars and such, this is a great place to take the wedding photos.

Also, when I saw Sydnee, we went to a dollar store to get some ideas for centrepieces among other things. We found these really nice fake white flowers, and then we were thinking of putting them in vases with some long sticks maybe or these blue, sparkly sort of conifer branches (they look sort of like branches from a tree I think is called Lawson's Cypress). But then, Sydnee had another idea, of having floating candles in vases, which is so cool. And then, we also found these blue stones that were really neat. So many options! But it was good to get an idea of what's out there!


So... It's been a while. Sorry to everyone - life has been crazy! Among other things recently, I moved, it was my birthday, I was sick with the flu... And then everything else on top of it! So I haven't had much thought of weddings at all. Until recently. I've been watching "Say Yes to the Dress" a lot (especially since I was sick and since we got a new TV system set up)... Man, that show is so good. But sometimes a little crazy! I can't believe these brides who come into their appointment saying, "I'm comfortable spending up to $10,000 on my wedding dress." I mean, really? For one dress, for one day, for a few hours, you're willing to drop 10 grand? I mean, let's keep it real. For $10000 you could:
- Sponsor 2 children for about 14 years (on the rate of $30/month)
- Give 100 women in developing countries the chance to get literacy training for a year, including pre-natal, delivery, and post-natal services (based on Samaritan's Purse "Free a Woman from Poverty, Abuse and Exploitation" gift of $100).
- Provide 250 adults in Liberia with education for several months (based on Samaritan's Purse "Literacy Training" gift of $40).
- Buy antibiotics for 3333 children (based on World Vision's "Antibiotics" gift option).
- Buy 667 mosquito nets that can save up to 5333 children from malaria-bearing mosquitos (based on World Vision's "Mosquito Nets" gift option).
- Purchase 1667 fruit trees such as banana, papaya, mango and orange that can give families the vitamins they need (based on World Vision's "Fruit Trees" gift option).
- Give 167 Afghan farmers the chance to become pomegranate, saffron, or pistachio farmers (based on World Vision's "Help an Afghan Farmer" option).
- And a whole lot more!
(I hope my math was alright on all of these! But I think it was.) If you want to learn more, just google organizations like World Vision and Samaritan's Purse!
Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.
But, I promise, I really do love "Say Yes to the Dress" -- how could a weddingaholic like me not?