Monday, June 14, 2010

I Can't Think of a Snappy Title for this Post...

So yesterday I went out with Sydnee. We played tennis. :) It was awesome. Though, my arm hurts now! And I'm not very good. But it was fun! Haha. After that, we went out to grab some sandwiches and coffee and sat in a park and just talked. I love chill days like that. Of course, with her wedding coming close to being a year away now, our talk drifted to weddings. She's still unsure about the venue, and is looking around, though she wants to have one picked out by next month. I'm hoping we can find a really good one for a good price. Because it's just ridiculous how expensive they can be! So, here's to crossed fingers!
She also said that her fiancé Keegan is wanting to get more involved with wedding planning now. But he alternated between stating his input and then saying, "But do what you want. A happy wife is a happy life." Haha. Sydnee said in a way it's really nice, but also complicates things a little... So we'll see how it goes! It's true that it is his wedding, too, and we want him to love it!
In other news, I remembered the other 'wedding news' that I forgot about a couple posts back. My friend Abbey-Shae's brother Andy is going to be getting engaged, soon. His soon-to-be-fiancée came visiting and I got to meet her. She's really nice! I'll call her Lulu. She, Abbey, Rosie and I all got together and went to the mall in our town. There's this (kind of pathetic but still interesting) antique store in our mall that we browsed, trying on rings, looking at old records, and looking at the parrots they have there. Then, we actually went to a jeweller to 'get some ideas' on the kind of ring Lulu would want. There were some really pretty rings there. And some were very expensive! There was this neat trio of rings (one for engagement, one for wedding, and one for anniversary) but it was over $1000 (can't remember the actual price). After browsing the rings (the employee working there was actually really good about it. But I guess that was because Abbey was like, "She's marrying my brother and I want to be able to tell him what ring to get her.") Lulu went to get her nails done, and then we went out to eat at the café Sydnee works at. It was SO yummy. I had this really good sandwich with all these veggies in it... Mmmm... We were also going to go look at dresses in a nearby wedding shop, but since Rosie had recently split up with Jake and so didn't want to be reminded of the wedding-that-almost-was, we didn't go. We ended up going to a local Christian bookstore, before having to part ways (Abbey and I were going to the pre-teen youth group we volunteer at, Lulu was babysitting Abbey's sister, and Rosie was going home). It was a fun little outing and it was really nice to meet Lulu!

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