Monday, November 29, 2010

The autograph of love.

So, I posted a while back a cute picture of a couple kissing, and Shell brought up how much she loves kissing photos - and I agree! Some of them are super cute. She posted this one on her Facebook page:

Adorable, isn't it? It got me thinking of old fashioned kissing photos, from the 40s, where the man is either going off to war and kissing his sweatheart, or is just coming back after a long absence from home. I think these are just some of the most emotional, poignant photos out there, and so I went looking for some online. Here are the results...

This next one has a kind of interesting story. This was during V-J Day, and apparently this sailor was so overjoyed at the war being over that he went around kissing random women, here kissing a nurse. A famous photographer happened to get this shot, and apparently it's become a famous photo since then.

They even made a statue commemerating the photo, to celebrate some anniversary (sorry, can't remember which anniversary. It might have been the anniversary of V-J Day). The woman in the red pants is widely believed to be the nurse in the original photo. There is some dispute as to who the man is, as many people have come forward claiming to be the one in the photo.

Aww. Just so adorable. I love it. (No pun intended!)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Big News

Sooo. Yesterday was a fun day. It was my friend Krystian's birthday party yesterday. My friend Abbey-Shae and I were both invited. Now, Abbey has had a big crush on Krys for a while now, and I've been trying to convince her that he likes her back (because I was pretty sure he did). They'd text each other practically 24/7. They'd talk on the phone together for hours. And there was just a certain way they'd act around each other... Well, anyways, Abbey was totally in denial, and I could tell it was killing her. But then along comes Saturday, and the birthday party. First, we went to Krystian's house to hang out and open gifts. It was funny, though: Abbey pulled a prank on him. Earlier, she had asked him what he wanted for his birthday, but he said he didn't know. So, Abbey said that if he didn't tell her by November, she'd buy him a pony. A really cheap, plastic, My Little Pony. And guess what? Krys didn't end up telling her what he wanted. So what did Abbey-Shae do? She did exactly what she said she would. She bought him a pony. A really cheap, plastic, knock-off of My Little Pony (she said the real ones were really expensive). And so, that's what he got when he opened his gift, with a big "You've been warned sign" taped to the front of it. Haha. And that's it. Or so he thought. She hid his real gift in his pillow for him to find later: Season 1 of Battlestar Galactica, which he didn't find until really late, once we had all gone, just like Abbey wanted it.

Well, anyways, after going to his house, we went to his friend Trent's house for food. Wow, his family sure knows how to host a party! There was so much good food! Spinach dip, chips and salsa, bruschetta, all sorts of pizzas, veggies.... Yum! We started watching Transporter, but the girls, who weren't into it as much, went to go get ready for our next activity... SWING DANCING! All us girls-- Abbey-Shae, Acacia, a girl named Raina, Trent's sister Mariana, and I-- decided to wear dresses, so we went to go change. We drove about forty minutes to get to our destination, where we payed $5 (Krys covered the rest) to get in. We arrived a few minutes late, and so the lesson portion had started already. But we joined in, and man, was it so much fun! After the lesson, we had free time to dance. So fun...

Everyone who was invited to Krystian's birthday started to notice, too, how much Abbey and he danced together. I was talking to Reece, Raina's boyfriend, and he was basically hinting that he knew, as Krystian's good friend, that Krys liked her. So I outright asked him if Krys did, and Reece replied, "why else do you think he brings his dog to play practice?" (We all are in the same play at our church and every week, Krystian brings his dog, who Abbey just loves.) I tried telling Reece without words that Abbey liked him back. (Because of course I was sworn to secrecy!) But he got it. And soon everyone in the party knew that they liked each other. Everyone except Krys and Abbey haha. But they continued to dance a lot together (Abbey cutting in when the DJ called Krys to the center of the dance floor to dance with other people celebrating their birthday), and people started making comments towards Abbey... Stuff like, "So I heard Krys wants to dance with someone." And Abbey would reply, "Who? Acacia? Mariana? Marian? You?" To which she'd get the reply, "no..." with a smile on their face. I also told her that I needed to talk to her, but she told me to tell her later because it was quite loud on the dance floor, and she was obviously having a lot of fun. But anyways, I was dancing with Trent and he told me to look over to Krys and Abbey, who were making they're way to sit down at one of the tables. "I gave him the bro talk," Trent told me. Now, I'm not an expert at guy lingo at all, so I asked him what that meant, even though I had a good idea. He said he told Krys finally that she liked him etc etc, and so now Krys was making a move. Soo.... long story short, he nervously told her he liked her, and she nervously told him the same and now, basically, Abbey and Krys are courting each other. They're not "dating," but following the model of courtship that Abbey-Shae always wanted to follow: no kissing or anything, but seeing if you're compatable for marriage and stuff. Her dream has always been for her first kiss to be at her wedding. They talked for a while, and hugged each other a long time. It was kind of funny, though, because soon after, Krys was driving everyone back home in his van, and obviously the two of them wanted to talk. So the rest of us, Acacia, myself, Reece and Raina, all pretended to talk to ourselves to give them some privacy. It was really hard to do, but we mostly were respectful and let them talk as Krys drove. ;) And I also knew that Abbey would fill me in with everything, because I was staying over at her house that night. :P It was so sweet, though. Abbey was completely pinching herself, certain the whole night had been a dream. I am so happy for her, though. And Krys, too. I hope it works out.

But yeah, that was the big news of the night, the week, the month.... I probably forgot some details, but that was the best I could remember it!

Eeeee! Still so excited for them!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Green with Envy

Right now I have been loving emerald green, black and white for a wedding colour scheme. I know I have been saying that yellow is my colour, but I don't know. Green is threatening to take its place. The green/black/white combo is classy, I think, but also fun, with the bright emerald hue thrown in there. Here is my inspiration photo, from Etsy... Isn't it gorgeous? (It's a wedding guest book.)

And here is a bridesmaid dress in emerald green. Love it! And I like her hair! Kind of a vintage style, non? Love the whole look. I think I could add my own flair to it, too, by adding maybe a string of pearsl (gotta love pearls) and rhinestones or something, and maybe white gloves? I can just see the reception as slightly extravagent but still simple and chic, if you can imagine that. I don't know. Yellow is still a forerunner, but green is catching up!

There is also the option of green AND yellow, though I think it would have to be a more subdued green, as in this picture. Very pretty, though, I think. And I love the bride's hair! I think my friend Leigha told me she wanted a yellow and green colour-scheme, though. Is this what you were imagining, Leigha?

I love this next photo. I think they're poses are really fun - all different, and more natural looking than the traditional look-at-the-camera-and-smile-on-three-everyone look. I definitely would like to have a few shots like this when I get married. Also love these bridesmaid dresses, and their hair, and the flowergirl, and the bouquets... Sigh... I love weddings. Interesting, though, as to how many bridesmaids there are here, though, huh? That's a lot, I think!

And this is one of those inspiration boards made of yellow and green. Lovely! :)