Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Hangin' Around

Aren't these just so cute? I found them on Etsy, and I think they're so creative! Love them! They're about $20-$30, I believe. I think it would be a cute thing to encorporate into your wedding, because you could get pictures of your dress hanging up beforehand. Just too cute!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Just Some Beautiful Dresses...

Aren't these absolutely gorgeous?

I Didn't Leave - Promise!

Yikes! Long time no see! Or, er, write? Whoops? Things have been pretty busy. I applied to a local university, applied for a job, have been volunteering in my mom's classroom, volunteering at church, teaching piano and tutoring, attending birthday parties, etc. But it's been good. I have an interview with Starbucks tomorrow (and I actually had one today, as well) so wish me luck with that!
But anyways, wedding news... Well, another couple I know got engaged recently. It's crazy. There are so many weddings in the neat future! Good news is, regarding Sydnee's wedding, we ordered our bridesmaids dresses. I can't wait until they come in! It's going to be fabulous. Eee! And I got the official invite in the mail - they look absolutely gorgeous. I might have to photoshop them to get rid of their real names and the address and everything (to remain Weddingaholic Anonymous, of course) just to show you. So we'll see. ;)