Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Dress for Abbey-Shae's Wedding!

So I bought my Maid of Honour dress for Abbey-Shae's wedding!  This is it, to the left.  Isn't it gorgeous?  I bought it at Le Château, for about $150, including tax.  A bit pricier than I normally pay for a dress, but at the same time, it is a dress for her wedding.  The lace is absolutely gorgeous, and the back is scooped with a little tie at the top.  I wasn't even really looking to buy a dress, but I found this and fell in love with it.  I was out with Leigha at the mall, just shopping and catching up, and we were about to head to Boston Pizza to grab a bite to eat, when I suggested popping into Le Château to just see if they have any possible dresses.  Well, we ended up trying on basically every purple dress in the store.  There were a lot of pretty ones, but I thought this one took the cake.  I just thought it was so elegant and classy!  We texted Abbey-Shae a picture of the dress to see what she thought about it, and she really liked it, too!  She's being very flexible about what she wants us to wear - basically just purple, about knee-length and something we feel comfortable in.  And this fit the bill!  AND I really will get to wear it again! Every time I look at it, I just love it even more.
The other bridesmaids still have to figure out what they're wearing.  There's another dress at Le Château that is the exact same shade of purple, but it has little lace sleeves (almost cap sleeves, but not quite) and is more chiffon-y.  Really pretty - though it didn't really look good on me.  It looked great on Leigha, though!  So, we're wondering if perhaps the other bridesmaids should try that one on and that could be their dress.  Or, they might all end up in this dress as well.  Or another one altogether.  It just depends.  And if they choose another dress, it will be okay, because, as the Maid of Honour, I'm allowed to have a different one, for sure.  Another idea that has been going around is that everyone gets a different, but similar dress.  I think that could look nice, though it will be hard finding dresses that all 'go' together, I think.
As it is, I am SO happy with this one.  And it makes it really real - Abbey-Shae is getting married, and this is the dress I'll be wearing when she does!  Now, we just need to find HER dress....

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