Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So Far, So Good

Well, as my last post stated, I am on a diet to lose a few pounds. (What wedding would be complete without a crash diet? And this isn't even my own wedding!) And I am happy to announce it's going well so far. I just tried on my dress and already it's much better. And I haven't even been doing this diet for a week!
Haha, and when I say diet, maybe I should just say, making healthier choices. It's not really a diet in the way that I count carbs or have a rigourous, structered workout with cardio and such coupled with a scheduled list of what I can and can't eat. But I just haven't eaten any junk food, and have been walking a lot. It's been pretty good generally, but every now and then, I wish there was something I could eat. Like, the other day my dad came home and he had a big bag of Doritos chips and I LOVE Doritos. Well, since I'm trying to eat healthier, I didn't have any. And that kindda sucked. And then, the other day, my sister, her friend, and my mom all went to see the movie Fame and they all bought popcorn and such. So many times, I almost asked for a few pieces, when I remembered that I shouldn't have any. But that's ok, I had delicious Yogen Fruz frozen yogurt, so that made up for it. :) And there will be other times to have popcorn.
So, mostly, I have been living off of veggies. They are SO good - celery, cucumber, yellow pepper.... And I have been having some good wholesome sandwiches with said vegetables (minus the celery), plus sprouts (mmm!), cheese, sometimes egg, and tomato. I <3 sandwiches! And the other day, I made calzones for my family and they turned out SO well. I stuffed them with all those veggies, and added some tomato sauce, my own version of alfredo sauce (not made with cream, but skim milk - it looked disgusting but it added the perfect touch to the calzone), mushrooms, and chicken breast. Yum!!
I haven't checked the scale yet to see how much I actually have lost- mostly because I don't really think that it's relevent. I mean, it's a number, a number bound to fluxuate throughout the course of the day, a number that can mean the weight of fatty tissue or of muscles. It really is pretty deceiving. I mean, yes, the scale gives you a good idea as to how you're doing health wise, but I certainly won't live my life by it.
But yeah, so far, so good! :)

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