Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time falls through my hands like sand.

September already???

And I only blogged once in August.

Bad me. I'm sorry!

But seriously, where did the summer go? I've been gone the last two weeks at camp, and even that went by insanely fast. It was so awesome though. I loved both of my cabins, and though I was a bit nervous before the start of camp, because I didn't know any of the girls who'd be in my cabin, we all gelled really well together and ended up having an awesome time together. I love being a counselor. WAY better than being an intern and washing the dishes! Haha. But seriously. Though it was utterly exhausting, it was soooo worth it. And God really moved in those two weeks, and it was just amazing to see how well everyone responded!

But anyways. What's new with me on the wedding/relationship front? Well, it seems like every day someone new on Facebook is getting engaged. Or married. Or having babies. Seriously. And here I am, with nothing on the horizon at all. But you know what? I'm ok with it. Especially since I'm not the only one. I just finished reading a blog of someone I know - let's call her Danica - and she's in a very similar situation. I know God has a perfect plan for us. I'll get married eventually, I'm sure. I just have to be patient. :)

Oh, you know what? This is something interesting that I heard happened at kids camp. A girl in my cabin at youth camp was an intern in another cabin at kids camp, and one of her girls felt like God had told her who she was going to marry. The thing is the girl is young, I think about 8, and the person she felt she was going to marry went to camp, but she hardly knew. What do you think? Is this true? This is a second-hand account, so obviously I don't know the details, but wow! Crazy! I wouldn't even know how to respond to something like that, especially if I was so young! What are your thoughts about this?

Anyways. Since I've been gone at camp, I don't have any more updates for Sydnee's wedding. She wanted us to go try on some dresses she found, but since I was gone, and Madeleine was gone on a trip, that didn't happen. But hopefully soon! ;)

Anyways, later.


PS. Before I left for camp, I watched the whole BBC Robin Hood series online. It's AMAZING. That's where I got my code name, from the legend of Robin Hood. I love that story so much and the BBC version was really good (except for the last season, sadly). But I still highly recommend it!! -Miss Marian.

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