Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Strange Dream

Exam count: 2/3. One more to go... Tomorrow. And it's the worst of all. Math. Bleh.

But anywho, on to more sunshine-y thoughts. Figuratively. It's raining heavily here.

Well! Weddings. Yes. I love weddings. Did I tell you I had a dream a couple nights ago where I got married? The dream took place during the reception, and can I say it was tacky? I hope my wedding is not actually like that! It took place in this big hall, but there weren't very many decorations, and it was very run-down. They also had a stage (like a highschool drama stage) that was really old. In my dream, my husband put on a play for me... I think it was about how we met or something? Supposedly? Though I never saw the whole thing because in the dream they were still rehearsing and they didn't want me to see, and I woke up before they actually performed anything. And in the first few minutes of the play, I was supposedly being played by my cousin-in-law from the October Wedding. She was wearing this bright blue almost Western dress that was very short and had lots of layers in the skirt. Can I say strange?! VERY, very strange.

Oh, and did I tell you that my husband changed names like 3 times? (I hope that's not an omen of something haha! Because that's just horrible.) Well I remember the first two names: Morse and Martin. These were the last names, by the way. I didn't ever hear the first name. It was because there was this sign that said Morse wedding, which proceeded to change to Martin wedding in the course of the wedding. And then when I actually saw my husband, he wasn't any of those people- somehow I just knew. It was almost as if I was trying to guess who my husband was, and I didn't know who I was actually marrying. S-T-R-A-N-G-E!

But my dress was gorgeous in the dream. It was a little bit creamy in colour, but not too much, strapless, and the top was made of sort of satin-y fabric. The skirt part started at around my hip and it was made of chiffon, lots of layers. It was very flowy and I think there were a few embellishments on the dress, scattered randomly. It was a beautiful dress, and not really at all what I'll have been thinking about recently (empire waist etc). Though, it did have the chiffon, which I love.

But yeah, can you say weird?


  1. I have to tell you that this post made me laugh so hard :P I actually kind of like the play idea, if it is done really well. A play of my meeting with Frank would be hilarious, I think :) I have decided that if he doesn't propose by doomsday, I'm going to propose! I almost changed our relationship status to engaged on April 1st, but then I realized that I'd be really disappointed when I would have to change it back *sigh*. I found a site today that you would probably enjoy: www.futureme.org
    You write letters and email them to your future self. Then we can look back and see how silly we were being with our worrying :)

  2. You know what I just realized? Your blog will end when you marry! Ahh! I won't be able to read it anymore.

  3. Haha, isn't that the strangest dream?? :P
    I have started writing emails to myself from the futureme site. I sent one and it's scheduled to send at the beginning of 2012. And you're right, I'll probably think I was just a silly young woman.
    Haha, maybe I'll keep my blog up even after I marry. Because what will we both do??? I love blogging about weddings. Maybe I'll start planning my children's weddings HAHA. Just kidding. I'm not that cruel. :P
