Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is this it, Shell?

So, I was in Le Chateau a couple days ago, and I remembered that my friend Shell told me she bought a dress from there for a wedding she's bridesmaid-ing for. (Like my new verb? Haha.) She had described it to me, and I was trying to visualize it, and wanted to see it for myself. And I'm pretty sure this is it! I snapped a picture while the employees weren't looking... Haha.

It's pretty! (Now, watch, this isn't actually the dress! But it seems to match the description!)
There are so many beautiful dresses in Le Chateau. I wish I could buy them all! Haha.


  1. Haha :P That is totally it! I actually quite like it. It's super clingy though, so I'll probably need to spray something on it.

  2. Yeah, it's a neat dress: not exactly the 'conventional' bridesmaid dress, if you know what I mean, but very pretty, nonetheless! :)

  3. Yeah, it's not a very conventional wedding :) She was more concerned about finding something that we could wear again. Which reminds me- I can't wait for our photoshoot! We totally have a photographer :)

  4. Yeah, I know... it would suck being a bridesmaid and having to buy a dress you'll only wear once. Though, it IS kind of hard to avoid, in some cases (a lot of cases)...
    YES! Our photo shoot. SO exciting. Did you talk to your brother or something about photographing it? ;)
