Sunday, June 21, 2009

Save the Last Dance

So I'm just talking to my friend Leigha right now, and we're talking about... guess what! Weddings!! And we're talking about how she'd love to have her first dance be to the song "It's Your Wedding Day" from The Wedding Singer, which her high school made a production of when she was in grade 12. She loved being in it, so how epic would that be to have it at her wedding? It totally suits her, especially since she loves drama and musical theatre.
I was also talking to another of my friends the other day about having dances, and we were discussing if it's necessary to have dances at weddings. I mean, what if you're not close to your father or he doesn't know how to dance or just doesn't want to dance? What if you can't really dance yourself? And is it mandatory to dance with other people, besides your husband and father? Will people be disappointed if there's no dance? I think I will probably have a dance, but these are questions we were pondering, my friend and I...
Also, I was thinking, if I have a dance, what song would I dance to? Maybe by that time, my husband and I will have a special song that is "ours" that we'd dance to, but since I have no fiancé, I also have no Song. Hmm... I was thinking maybe a classic like, "It's a Wonderful World." Or is that overdone? I don't know. I think it might be romantic... ;)
Anyhoo. That's all for now!
Love from Miss Marian.


  1. Always wanted a special "song" but I don't know what it would be. Dancing I think is a necessary at any wedding though, even if you can't dance. That's even funner!

    I know of two weddings right now and what their "songs" are going to be. The first is "When God Made You" sung by Newsong. The second is "When You Say You Love Me" by Josh Groban.

  2. Haha, well maybe you and Krystian shoud come up with a special "song" for yourselves.
    On the topic of dancing, I've never been much of a dancer at parties or anything like that. I think I will have a dance for sure, but I actually probably won't dance that much... I know that sounds weird.
