Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday Night Ramblings.

It's been a while since I've updated. Not that it really matters, because it's not like I have millions of readers. But yeah. I'm back! (Actually, I'm not at home right now, so I can't upload any pictures or anything. So I'm semi-back.)
So my friend Shell came over today and guess what cropped up in our conversation? Do I even have to say? ... Well, she has just been asked to be a bridesmaid in one of her friends' wedding, and I am SO excited. I know this friend of hers (though, not well- but I know who she is) and I am just really excited for all the planning and everything that Shell will be a part of. I even told her that I'd help her in any way she needed- whether making invites or thinking of different ideas- the bride will never know haha. Shell can just say she came up with these ideas herself hehe. ;)
See, I told you I'm a wedding-a-holic.
Sigh. And yet my wedding is probably eons away. That's ok. I take great delight in planning and thinking of weddings, no matter whose they are. Maybe I should think of becoming a wedding planner instead of a teacher... Haha.
The closest wedding of my best friends is Shell's herself. She has been going out with her boyfriend forever and I am just waiting until he pops the question so I can formally help her plan the wedding. Unfortunately, she told me it's not going to happen for a variety of reasons until around 2011... Sigh. (I shall have to give her boyfriend a secret code name, too, because I'm sure I will refer to him a lot, since his and Shell's wedding is the only one that actually seems- as distant as it is- to be happening. I mean, I'm single, Leigha's single, Abbey-Shae's single, Acacia's single. Sydnee is dating someone, but she and her boyfriend are not getting married for a long time, either, due to various reasons, again.)
So yeah. Shell!!! Get married soon!!! Just so I can help you plan!!! Haha. Oh dear me.

I love weddings. :)

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