Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Myriad of Marian's Musings

I just realized! I'm past the 100th post on this blog! And it will almost have been a year since I started this blog... Crazy how fast time flies! Thanks to my loyal readers haha. Cuz there's SO many of you. :P

But anyways. Still been obsessing over weddings. Of course. I was watching "Say Yes to the Dress" again today and my, my. What lovely dresses they have! That show makes me so happy. What I would give to be able to go down to New York and try on some of their dresses! Only thing is, I would never pay the kinds of prices those brides pay for their dresses. It's actually insane. I mean, you're only wearing this dress for a few hours on one day. Why spend thousands of dollars on it? I just don't understand it. Product of our consumer, capitalist society, I guess....

But yeah. I've been trying to imagine what my wedding will be like, one day. I think I have the bridesmaids' look pinned down - I'll have to blog about it sometime. It's actually based on a dress I've already blogged about. But we'll see. I have a LOT of time before I actually get married so my ideas are subject to change. And besides, the look might be totally out of style or impossible to find by the time I get married. But yeah. I'm so excited for Sydnee and Rosie's weddings! And Shell's eventual one. ;) Did I tell you that Abbey-Shae, Leigha, Rosie and I all took bets on who would get married first out of the four of us? Childish, I know, but fun. :P Haha. Rosie was at the top of most lists, I seem to recall. So we'll see who's the closest! Haha.

I'm also getting together with Syd on Saturday so hopefully there will be some news about her wedding to post about! Can't wait! ;)

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