Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Same Dress, Different Colours!

I just love it when you can do this: take a picture on a website and see what it would look like in a different colour. This dress is from Alexia Designs, and I think it's a really cute dress. Here it is in blue...
Of course, I always have to see what it looks like in yellow. ;)
And, hey, Sydnee, what do you think of something like this for your bridesmaids' dresses? ;)

Pretty, isn't it?


  1. I've got to say that the chocolate brown looks amazing with the blue in the third photo. This dress is really pretty and you might even be able to wear it again :) At least to our photo shoot, of course.

  2. Yeah, that one's my favourite. It's very pretty! I love Sydnee's colour scheme. <3

    And, yes, our PHOTO SHOOT! So excited!
